Have you ever had your flight cancelled by an active volcano? We have! It hap- pened just recently on our trip to Costa Rica. Fortunately, we were able to fly a few days later with our family and the Lee family.
The most recent trip to Costa Rica has been a very motivating one. The initial plan with One By One Costa Rica was to raise money to buy a soccer field, which we would rent out to generate a permanent source of funding for the One By One soccer programs. It takes over $15,000 per year to run these programs free of cost to deserving teens. After we looked at some soccer fields, we came to realize that the fields were too expensive. Buying them would not be condu- cive to our goal. We had to change plans.
The most recent trip to Costa Rica has been a very motivating one. The initial plan with One By One Costa Rica was to raise money to buy a soccer field, which we would rent out to generate a permanent source of funding for the One By One soccer programs. It takes over $15,000 per year to run these programs free of cost to deserving teens. After we looked at some soccer fields, we came to realize that the fields were too expensive. Buying them would not be condu- cive to our goal. We had to change plans.